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This short video training is a practical look at how Google XRay searching will help you find more candidates and clients. Always good news!



Google Xray Search

Belinda Kerr 

Thank you everybody for coming. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m building the career and I run the recruitment garage. And a few weeks ago, we had a webinar on surviving and thriving COVID and one of the things that I talked about quite briefly was getting extra leads through through Google X ray and Boolean and what was apparent was that a lot of people didn’t know about it and wanted to know more about so here we’ve got a kind of a string out session. From that I will record it if for whatever reason you have to go earlier or record it or post it on our Facebook group and on the website so you can go back and and look at it later on.


We’ve got 30 minutes, I’m going to go pretty quickly, or try and keep one eye on the chat. So all right, let’s get started. I’ve got I actually this morning I put together a brief little presentation because this is Google X ray search. And it really is, it’s going to be better to show you ideally online because of the zoom, I won’t be able to do that because of the internet connection. But I’m going to go through a brief presentation with you. And hopefully, you’ll have enough to then be able to go off and, and do it on your own. So let me just share my screen.


Right now we’re off to the races, I’m just going to assume that you have a basic working knowledge of Boolean but not so much at Google X ray, because that’s what came out of the when we did the webinar the other day. So I’m just going to give a quick overview of Boolean search and then we’ll talk more deeply about Google X ray. Now I can’t see the chat box. While I’m doing this. What I’ll do is I’ll come straight back to that when I’ve gone through this, this is only four or five pages.


So first off Boolean searching really Boolean searching is a combination of keywords and and what they call operators to enable you to do a deeper search within sites and those typical operators and not an all so that you can put in Chocolate cake and vanilla cake. And when you go into a Google search, it’ll, it’ll come up with both or not we’ll obviously exclude one. And all will give you either that’s a very basic Boolean search, you can do that in a lot of sites or LinkedIn, for example, you can do a basic Boolean search, I’m sure you all know that. You can do it on Google, and most and many other search platforms, not all but most. And as Boolean gets a little bit more extensive, then you can start to do things like put parenthesis around different parts of it. And I’ll show you in a string in a minute at the bottom how you can do that. inverted commerce, wildcards. And all these things together form what they call a Google string, which is the the ultimate thing that you put into the URL.


So at the bottom there, I just got an example. So down the bottom, I’ve got I put a string together here just to demonstrate what we’re talking about. So you can say project manager, I’ve got their inverted commas. So what they Doing is it telling Google to just look for project and manager together. So it’s not just going to come up with the word project, because by putting the inverted commas around it, I’ve said, I want to look for both of these words together. And then by adding an end, it’s saying, I want the full word project manager, and project director. And then the parenthesis around the outside is then grouping all that together as one search. And then it’s saying, I’ll have project manager and project director, director, thank you very much, or I’ll have just on its own project manager, so if I was to put that string into Google, it would come up with project managers and project directors or project managers, which in a way is kind of counterintuitive, because really, it will come up with everything but I just, the purpose of that was just to show you how it’s how you put a string together. Now I’m pretty sure that most of you will know how to do that and do a Boolean Basic Boolean search. So let’s take that and then take it one step further.


So all that Google X ray does. Yeah, so all the all that Boolean X ray does is really takes this to an advanced level. And it does that by adding in a whole step more operators that enable you to do a lot deeper Boolean search. So you can do an X, I call it Google X ray. you’ll, you’ll hear it called Google X ray. But you can do this in other search engines too, like being and the other ones that are out there. It’s not limited to Google. So deep Boolean searching with search engines such as Google, all the standard operators work so and not or etc. The thing is with the NOT operator that is a standard for Boolean is when you use that in a Google X ray search, it becomes a hyphen. So when you’re doing Google X ray searching, you want to put the if you want to exclude something, you put the hyphen in Not the word not. That makes sense. And there if you searched on the internet for Google X ray operators you would get, I don’t know how many there are. But there’s, there’s certainly a lot more than I’m showing you here.


There’s, you know, 50, or hundred more, I’m not sure. But the main ones that are going to help you with recruitment are site which which instructs Google to search for a specific website, in URL, which says to Google, I want you to look for these words in the URL of the search results. In title, which tells Google I want you to look in the title of the search results in text, which means the body text and another cool thing that you can do with Google X ray is search file types file, so Excel files word by word docs, etc. And where that’s really useful is if you put down to something that has a conference, for example, and these speakers, quite often, you’ll find websites We’ll host those at the back end on an Excel quite often Excel, but it could be word as well. So if you feel like it’s things like industry sites, those sorts of things that are running conflict or industry groups that are running conferences, those types of things will often head and have this pair on their site on Excel. So you can do that as well.


So let me just show you in a little bit more detail what I’m talking about there. So all I’ve got here is I just put in, this is just a screenshot to show you what I’m talking about. So I’ve typed in the project managers. So if you look, I don’t know if you guys can see my mouse. But if you look here, where I’ve got how to become a project manager, a complete guide for 2020 just above that, where it’s got www dot pain, mo, etc. That’s the URL. And then how to become a project manager is the title. So when on that previous slide I had in title, you’d be If you typed in title into your Google X ray search, you would be searching here. And then if you put in text, it’s going to be anything that comes up in this bit below here where it says, project management is one of the most complex fields of work out there. That’s instructing Google to look in there. So I just wanted to, I was hoping to be able to do this live and give you some live searches. But because of the internet connection, I thought that was going to be a pretty bad idea. So we’ll work with what we’ve got.


And Okay, so let’s have a look more specifically, at LinkedIn. You all as I said, I’ll post this up on the side and all and I’ll put in the Facebook page. So you can have this Don’t worry about if you’re missing the exact nuances of it, because you have to get the strings exactly right or they won’t work. Where this is really cool is if you’ve got a LinkedIn profile, you can log out of LinkedIn and you can go into Google and type in the site operator for Google X ray. So si t colon, LinkedIn Comm. And what that will do without you being logged in, it will let you from the outside in X ray search, LinkedIn now you will get, you will definitely get more and different results than you get when you’re in your profile. I don’t know how this stuff works, I just know that it does.


I’m not saying don’t go into LinkedIn and do what you’re doing do that as well. But what you’ll find is if you have a go at doing this, you’ll find results that you don’t come up with on LinkedIn, I think people make the assumption that LinkedIn shows you all of the profiles. If you’re making a search on LinkedIn, that LinkedIn will serve up all the results that are there. They don’t they don’t give you everything. So I think that’s why with doing this through X ray, often you’ll get results that you won’t get the other way so you can use them both painting hand and again in LinkedIn, The URL. So what we would do, and I’ll show you a bit more detail in a minute here, but what you would do is you put site colon


If you wanted to search for people’s profiles on LinkedIn, you would then go in your route. So you’d have the site, you’d be in the LinkedIn site, then you would go in, forward slash in or in URL, colon, colon forward slash pump. And that will search people’s profiles for you. By putting another operator in their colon forward slash director that stops searching other directories, I don’t really think that you need to do that. But if for some reason you’re getting some random results, if you put that in as well, it will stop that happening up. I’ve never really needed it. But that’s what that does. Equally if you’re looking for companies on LinkedIn, in URL, colon forward slash company because what what we know is that the way that LinkedIn set up their URLs is with each of the companies has company in the URL, they also have full spreadsheet or if they’re, if they’re people profile. So that’s why that URL works for LinkedIn.


If you’re in Europe wanting to search on a specific country, so if you’re in the UK, the US, whatever country you’re in, if you type in after the site colon, if you put in the abbreviation there for the country, it will just search on the particular country that you want. You can also do this, somebody typed in the chat when we’re doing this webinar, you can also do this at a state level. I’m not sure of what you’re putting there to do that. But if you wanted to do your own research, you probably probably find that as well. Now, here’s a few rules to follow. So So I’ve got the example up here, the top As I said, Do this logged out of your own LinkedIn, all of the operators on Google X ray, lowercase now, I think someone must have been having a bit of a laugh because all of the standard buildings Operators are uppercase. So I don’t know why that’s not the same, but it’s not. So all all of your Boolean ones are uppercase, your Google X ray one’s a lowercase. So you need to remember that the operator always immediately is always immediately followed by the colon. So you can see your site colon, you have to have that you take out the www don’t need that. And you must add the domain suffix. So you’ve got to have there, and the text box up against your, it can’t have any spaces. So all this seems, remember when I first came across is I’ve gone and we’re gonna remember that but once you’ve done it a few times, it just becomes second nature. And you’ll get it’ll, it’ll just click into here. And you’ve got to have the text fighting right up against the operators and no spaces are said that, and then what what you’ll find is when you start doing Google X ray searching, you’ll get if you start wide, which is what I recommend that you do, you’ll get a link results that you don’t want.


So for example, with recruitment, if you started typing in into Google and doing some searches that you were looking for candidates, for example, what you’ll find is you’ll come up with a lot of jobs. So all you need to do is then exclude them by putting a hyphen, jobs and hyphen job or if you didn’t want vacancies, hyphen, vacancy or vacancies, to stop the jobs coming up so that then you’re finding more people that are working as project managers or whatever you’re searching for. So you’ll see what you’ll see what I mean, when you start doing searches, you’ll you will get a whole lot of results of things you don’t want, and you’ll see some words that are common to those results. So you get rid of those and then that will bring more of what you do like if you go the other way and start smaller, and try to go broader. And I think it works as well that way. And there’s a shortcut to you can use.


There’s a little tool called recruiting and it’s I’ve got the Have him there for you the email address for email address the internet address for you there. And what that does is it won’t give you an extensive search. But it’s it kind of does all the back end, Google X ray puts all the Google X rays in behind the interface. So you can go in there and type. For example, the junk bond experiences about five different fields, check it out, you’ll see what I mean. And that can be quite a useful tool for bringing up some results for you. If you’re not wanting to do the full Google Search yourself, that can be quite handy. And I think I’m going to skip the page and just go back and it just went faster than I thought. So what I’ll do is after today, as I said, I’ll post this up on the Facebook group, if you want to have a look at it if you want to contact me there. There’s my email for you.


How are you able to do a search string for us to see I was wanting to suffer but I’m just a bit worried if I go online at is going to be really slow. Hopefully that one that I actually was going to unmute you, Sophia. Hopefully that one that I showed you. And I think you might have to unmute that. There we go. Hi, Sophia.





Belinda Kerr 

Hi. Did you get it? I’m not sure when you put that chat up, but did you see the one that I did in the exam in the presentation?



Yeah, I saw it. I was just wondering when you were saying you get a lot of information that you might not need and what that actually looks like, and how


Belinda Kerr 

gotcha okay. So say for example, you did a search, and you know, the page that I showed you where their results were?





Belinda Kerr 

Yeah. So quite often what you’ll get if you’re typing in, say, for example, you’re typing a job project managers, what what you’ll tend to find, if you’re looking for project managers, you’ll tend to find what happens. What happens is you get a lot of jobs for project managers, you’ll get Google ghost scraping indeed, and all these sites and it’ll be you know, project manager, $50,000 a year, whatever it is, and you know, I don’t know what I don’t want that. I want that Just people. So they’ll all show up in the results. And you’ll see, you’ll just see them one after the other. So then all you would need to do is go back up to your, your search where you put the searching and just add at the end, and then you can see my hand up in here and add up hyphen, jobs, price and vacancy, anything that’s coming up that you don’t want, and then hit search again, and they will go.



Right. Okay, so the search string is just one continuous everything you want or don’t want you just continuously add it on. As you go.


Belinda Kerr 

Yeah, that’s exactly right. That’s exactly right.


In Google, they say that you don’t need to add end, which which is right, you don’t but I always do it just out of habit. And sometimes it can be. It could be user error, Error Error on my part, but sometimes I do find I put something in and like, oh, why did I get that result sometimes you’ve just got to play with it a little bit, to get more Here’s what you do actually want as well. But what you’ll find is one, when you play with it a bit, you’ll get to see what works. And then you’ll just be able to use this, you get a bit of a rhythm going with it. And you can just put in what you know, works. It just takes a bit of faffing around with in the beginning to get it right.


Quickly, that has been edited. It’s just a really quick little session. Hopefully, there’s been some value there for you. If you’ve got any more questions about it, just email me, I’m probably not I’ll play around with it. So those of you who are in the program, this is a very cut down version of what you’ll get in the second module. So there’s a lot more there for you. The others that I mean, the program, if you want to know more about it, you can certainly do ironically, Google searches and just google search, Google search Google X ray and there’ll be a lot more stuff that comes up for you. But what I’m giving you there is probably all you need, you will find more people that way. So enjoy it. And enjoy the rest of your Enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you, everybody.



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